A Message From HR

At the Embassy of the Netherlands, we recognize our ultimate success depends on our talented and dedicated workforce. We understand the contribution of each employee makes our accomplishments. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive program of exceptional benefits to attract and retain the best employees available. Through our benefits programs we strive to support the needs of our employees and their dependents by providing a benefit package that is easy to understand, easy to access and affordable for all our employees. This website is designed to help you understand the benefits available to you, and to utilize them to the fullest.

Please contact me or another member of the Human Resources/supervisory team if you have questions or we can support you in any way.

JJ van Herksen

Eligible Employees

You may enroll in the Embassy of the Netherlands Employee Benefits Program if you are a full-time employee who is actively working 17.5+ hours/week.

Eligible Dependents

If you are eligible for our medical benefits, then your dependents are too. In general, eligible dependents include your spouse, domestic partner and children up to age 26. Spouses are eligible for health coverage under the Embassy’s plans if the spouse’s employment income is less than the employee’s. If your child is mentally or physically disabled, coverage may continue beyond age 26 once proof of the ongoing disability is provided. Children may include natural, adopted, step-children and children obtained through court-appointed legal guardianship, as well as dependents of a domestic partner.

Eligible dependent children under the age of 24, as long as they are full-time students, can receive dental insurance coverage via the employee.

Enrolling in Coverage

Your benefits are effective on your date of hire. Please note you must elect benefits within your first 30 days of employment. The benefits you elect will remain in place for the full plan year, which renews annually on July 1, unless you have a qualifying family status change.

Family Status Change

A change in family status is a change in your personal life that may impact your eligibility or dependent’s eligibility for benefits.

  • Change of legal marital status (i.e., marriage, divorce, death of spouse)
  • Change in number of dependents (i.e., birth, adoption, death of dependent, ineligibility due to age)
  • Change in employment or job status (e.g., spouse gains or loses access to benefits through his/her employer)

If such a change occurs, you must make the changes to your benefits within 30 days of the event date. Documentation may be required to verify your change of status. Failure to request a change of status within 30 days of the event may result in your having to wait until the next open enrollment period to make your change. Please contact HR to make these changes.


Please contact Embassy HR for more information.